Children’s Ringette is composed of three divisions, for children under ten years old. Its goal is to introduce the sport of ringette to the age and level of our young athletes to offer a favourable environment for their development.
We’ve established aged-based divisions for the 2022-2023 season. From our experiences, maintaining similar-aged groups has many advantages. It allows friends to play in the same teams even if they are not at the same development level and the groups’ maturity levels are more similar, which helps with the attention span and favours a better learning environment so each player can thrive and develop new skills.

The FUN-1 division is available to children born in 2017 and 2018. (Yep! We are now accepting kids that will have turned 4 in 2022!) This program focuses on basic ringette skills such as skating, ring control, passing and receiving. The game format at this level is cross-ice, without a pass line nor a goalie, and is played 3 against 3.

The FUN-2 division is available for children born in 2015 and 2016 and progresses the sport along with half-ice game format, which integrates a pass line using the free-play line (red line at the top of the circles) and introduces the goalie position along with the goal crease rule. The game is still played 3 on 3 (in addition to the goalies), which leads to all players taking part in gameplay and get more ring possession time to favour development.
The U10 division (also known as FUN-3 in some provinces) is for children born in 2013 and 2014. At this level, the full-ice gameplay is introduced along with rules such as to avoid passing over both blue lines with a single pass and the limit of 3 players per team in the offensive or defensive zones. This game format also means games are played 5 against 5 with player positions. The shot clock will, however, be introduced only at the U12 level, which will make the game faster and more technical!
Ice Markings at FUN-1 and FUN-2
Below is an overview of the playing surface used at the FUN-1 and FUN-2 levels. For the U10 division, please consult our page about the game.
For more information on Children’s Ringette, visit the Ringette Canada website.